Play to Earn

Games on the DEEP 42 platform are designed with a play-to-earn model, providing an additional incentive for engagement beyond the pure enjoyment of the gaming experience. The in-game economy enables players to capitalize on their NFT Characters by trading, selling, and renting them to other players within DEEP.

This model is supported by game mechanics that offer valuable rewards to players who actively engage with the game. For instance, players who invest time in raising and caring for ultra-rare NFT Characters, winning battles to enhance their capabilities, or participating in daily quests can reap substantial rewards.

What sets the play-to-earn model apart in our game metaverses, compared to other games with in-game economies, is the earning of D42 Tokens, which function as the governance tokens for DEEP DAO. This allows players of the DEEP metaverses to have a say in future game development and gameplay balancing, such as shaping future quests, deciding on the narrative of gameplay, and even planning the expansion of the entertainment metaverses.

The more a user engages with DEEP, the more D42 tokens they will earn. Consequently, players who enjoy the games and continue playing will be rewarded with greater voting rights. Governance will be conducted through a voting system integrated into the DAO, and ownership of governance tokens will drive increased engagement in the gams, ultimately enhancing the value of D42 tokens.


Play to earn

109 200 000


issued over 69 months

Play to earn

Day 0

4 550 000

Month 3

9 100 000

Month 6

13 650 000

Month 9

18 200 000

Month 12

22 750 000

Month 15

27 300 000

Month 18

31 850 000

Month 21

36 400 000

Month 24

40 950 000

Month 27

45 500 000

Month 30

50 050 000

Month 33

54 600 000

Month 36

59 150 000

Month 39

63 700 000

Month 42

68 250 000

Month 45

72 800 000

Month 48

77 350 000

Month 51

81 900 000

Month 54

86 450 000

Month 57

91 000 000

Month 60

95 550 000

Month 63

100 100 000

Month 66

104 650 000

Month 69

109 200 000

Last updated